Saturday Mar 16, 2024

PTSDreams and Ancestral Dreaming - Linda Yael Schiller on The Dream Hub Podcast

Melissa welcomes Linda Yael Schiller, a renowned dream expert, trauma therapist, and author with an extraordinary four-decade career. As Professor Emeritus at Boston University School of Social Work and a distinguished member of the IASD, Linda brings a wealth of knowledge and an innovative approach to healing through dreamwork.

Together, they delve into the depths of how dreams can be a transformative tool in treating trauma, specifically PTSD, and the unique methodologies Linda employs to unlock their healing potential. The discussion opens up about the nature of PTSD, its impacts, and the intriguing concept of "PTSDreams" as a pathway to recovery.

Linda sheds light on the therapeutic power of dreamwork, emphasising the significance of addressing and transforming nightmares to facilitate healing. She explains how somatic therapies like EMDR and body tapping can integrate with dreamwork to desensitise and reprocess traumatic memories, offering a holistic approach to recovery.

Listeners will gain insights into common themes in the dreams of those suffering from PTSD and receive practical advice on reducing nightmares. Linda also explores the mystical dimension of dreams, discussing ancestral dreaming and the ways our ancestors might reach out to us through our dreamscapes.

The episode includes a sneak peek into Linda's upcoming book, "Ancestral Dreaming," and covers a broad range of topics from intergenerational trauma to the layered meanings within our dreams. Linda's personal experiences and professional insights offer a rich resource for anyone looking to explore the healing potential of their dreams.

Questions for Linda cover a spectrum from her personal journey into dreamwork, the principles behind her transformative approach, and practical advice for listeners dealing with nightmares and trauma. The conversation also touches on common misconceptions about dreamwork and foundational steps for those new to exploring the therapeutic potential of their dreams.

In closing, Linda's profound insights and heartfelt advice offer listeners a beacon of hope and a new perspective on using dreamwork for personal growth and healing. The episode encourages everyone to embrace the wisdom of their dreams and embark on a journey of self-discovery and recovery.

Linda's expertise and compassionate approach to dreamwork and trauma healing leave us with a deeper understanding and appreciation for the mystical world of dreams. For those looking to explore further, visit her websites for a treasure trove of resources and insights.

We thank Linda Yael Schiller for joining us and sharing her invaluable wisdom. To our listeners, may this episode inspire you to explore your dreams with a new lens and find the healing and wisdom within.

For those intrigued by Linda's work and eager to dive deeper, be sure to visit her websites at



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Until next time, continue dreaming, exploring, and embracing the journey to your inner self. Sweet dreams, everyone.


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